Make Money by Signature"A signature is a short paragraph of the text that we place at the end of our message.It should be 5-6 lines long and contain our contact details with a brief summary. It is an automated addition of a few lines at the foot of message.These usually consist of the sender's adress, Full name and other details."
Make Money by selling a link in a forum signature is not a dream but a new business. Everytime you answer a thread in a forum or open a new thread, you are allowed (not in all forums) to leave a signature. By doing so you are not only getting backlinks to the websites you add to your signature but also direct traffic from people that click on the links. Just immagine you have 1000 posts in a forum, this would mean that all the links in your signature would be on 1000 on different forum pages.
Leaving links in a signature is thought to get visitors to the websites you list there instead of backlinks. On high traffic forums these links can bring a fair amount of visitors and that’s why people started to sell a “spot” in their signature for a monthly fee. The length of a signature is limited and it varies from forum to forum.I saw in many forums , where people were selling a link in their signature.
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